Save up to 5% on your NYSEG electricity costs
The Village of Lansing has entered into a 2024 Clean Energy Partnership with SolarFarms New York (SFNY). This partnership provides electricity discounts to Village residents, while simultaneously aiding our Village in its goals of becoming a registered New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Climate Smart Community (CSC) and a Clean Energy Community (CEC).
SolarFarms New York, is building new solar farms, and you can reserve your spot on a farm that will go live in 2024. These solar farms offer a one-bill solution from NYSEG. This means that your 5% discount will appear automatically on your NYSEG electricity bill every month, making it easy for you to manage your savings with one bill.
Both homeowners and renters are eligible. There is no fee to sign up for this program, and you can cancel at any time without penalty. There is no change to your utility service, you just pay less!
It is fast and easy to enroll. No payment information is needed and there are no credit checks required.
Promo Code for Additional Benefit to the Village
Please use Promo Code VOLNY when you sign up and SolarFarms New York will donate $100 to the Village of Lansing on your behalf.
How to register
Residents can register with SolarFarms NY at the following web address: https://solarfarmsny.com/ by clicking on the site’s “Sign Up” link in the top menu.