Sanitary Sewer Project Q&As

The Village of Lansing’s contractor, Vacri Construction Corporation, is currently installing a sanitary sewer main extension line along Cayuga Heights Road and East Shore Drive.  Residents have raised questions about future connections to the sewer line.

We have collected the following questions and answers to the best of our ability.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no single or simple answer for every sewer connection because the distance from, and geology of, each property is unique.

Sewer Expansion Project Winding Down with Scheduled Road Milling

The sewer expansion project is winding down to a punch list of tasks. The big ticket items are water stops and some additional storm sewer work. Mainline road milling is scheduled to begin on May 20th with trench removal and repaving immediately following. These tasks will probably take a good portion of that week.

Sanitary Sewer Main Extension Project Restarts

Construction work has restarted on the Village of Lansing sanitary sewer main extension project along East Shore Drive, Cayuga Heights Road, and Twin Glens Road with the installation of sewer-service laterals to residents primarily on Cayuga Heights Road.  At the end of April and the start of May, construction crews will begin the cleanup of the disturbed areas and the re-establishment of ditches within the construction project’s path.

Completion of these remaining tasks is expected by the end of May – weather permitting.  Once the construction crews are finished, the Village will contract for the repaving of the affected roadways.

PLEASE NOTE: Homeowners along this new sewer extension can begin the process of connecting to the new sanitary sewer services soon.  Stay tuned for Village announcements regarding when new connections can be started.

Sanitary Sewer Extension Project Paused for Winter 2023

As of Monday, October 23, the Village has paused the sanitary sewer line installation for this season due to the amount of remaining work and upcoming inclement weather. 

Several weeks of installation work remain and will be scheduled for the Spring 2024 season. Our goal is to perform a pre-winter cleanup of the project by removing piles of stones, grading the project’s trench, and applying temporary pavement to make roads safer for winter travel.

QUESTION: When will the construction on Cayuga Heights Road and East Shore Drive be completed?

ANSWER: The Cayuga Heights Road Sewer Benefit Area Project (including East Shore Drive) is scheduled to be substantially completed in the Fall of 2023, but some remaining items may run into the Spring of 2024.

QUESTIONS: Are we required to connect to the sewer if we have a septic system that is well-maintained? If so, what are the timelines for the required hook-up?

ANSWER: The Village Code Section 111-11 C.(1) requires a resident to connect to the sewer within 3 years.  However, if their septic system is in good working order, a variance can be requested to extend that time.  Our Village Code can be found on our website at the bottom of the page under Select a topic area, Village Code.  Sewers is Chapter 111.  Here is a direct link to the Sewers Chapter:

Here is a direct link to the Village Variance Application:

Here is a direct link to the Village Variance Application Procedure:

QUESTION: What are the fees for connecting to the Village Sewer line?

ANSWER: The Village fee for connecting to the sewer is $2,350.00 (This does not include the Village of Cayuga Heights sewer connection fee of $300.00 which is also required since the Village of Lansing’s sewage is treated in the Village of Cayuga Heights Wastewater Treatment Plant.)  Here is a direct link to the Village of Cayuga Heights sewer permit

Before you have a contractor connect you to the sewer system, you would need to fill out a Sewer Permit.  The Sewer Permit Form can be found on our website under Applications & Forms.  Here is a direct link:

QUESTION: Are there projected monthly/quarterly fees for the sewer service?

ANSWER: The sewer charge is based on your water consumption.  The current sewer charge is $7.51/1,000 gallons or a minimum of $37.55.  The charge is billed quarterly on your Village Water/Sewer Billing (January, April, July, and October.)

QUESTION: If so, how high are they projected to be?

ANSWER: The sewer rate is made up of a Village of Cayuga Heights charge which they set and a 25% surcharge of your water consumption which is charged by the Village of Lansing to maintain the sewer infrastructure.  See Village Code Section 111-21.  Here is a direct link to the Sewers Chapter

QUESTION: How much can we expect to have to pay to connect our houses to the sewer line?

ANSWER: Installing and connecting a sanitary sewer service lateral is very much like replacing a roof on a home – each one is unique.  We suggest you contact a few contractors to obtain estimates.  Site contractors and/or plumbers are a good place to start.

QUESTION: Is there any financial assistance for neighbors who may have trouble with this?


QUESTION: Whom do we call to do the connecting to the sewer line?

ANSWER: The Village does not recommend contractors, and we suggest you talk with your neighbors or people you work with and ask them for contractor recommendations.  

QUESTIONS: Will pavement be restored on CH Road?  What is the timetable?

ANSWER: With the depth of rock incurred beyond the scope of the engineers’ informational soil borings, it was decided to place a temporary surface on the project’s cutouts by oil and stone method to allow the trench to experience a freeze/thaw cycle.  This will ensure the road doesn’t fail prematurely.  Cayuga Heights Road will be ground out and paved in the spring of 2024 after an evaluation of the cutouts in the roadway to determine if they are ready to pave.

QUESTION: Why can’t we find comprehensive information like this on the Village Website?

ANSWER: The Village has sent out letters to residents along the sewer route and we continue to keep residents updated through our Spring and Fall Newsletters and announcements on our website at  We also post “Village News” items on our website’s homepage.

If you have questions feel free to call the Village Clerk/Treasurer, Jodi Dake, 607-257-0424 extension #2 and she can answer your questions or put you in contact with someone that can.  Another resource is our Supt. of Public Works, John Courtney.  He can be reached at extension #4 or cell #607-280-4893.